Monday, March 06, 2006

:: pictures ::

Well.. I just turned one month yesterday, so I thought it's about time i add some pictures ...

Last week I went to visit some of my mom & dad's friends. They all wanted to hold me!
Well.. all except.. Albert :) Dad had to *make* him hold me!

<-- There's Albert on the left... (Encara que soc molt petit... estic aprenent el catalá!)

Next one in line: Senior Apple Boy!

Hmm.. who is this guy ? :)
(Stay tuned and you'll see more of him soon... )

This is me! (you probably figured it out already.. :)
This is the gift i got from all the people @ Main Memory. It's really cool, I love it!

Next up, some more pictures with my new friends @ Main Memory....
Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Si us plau

Que estem molt contents de participar a l'Infantessa de l'Isaac.

Volem que passeu mensualment per Main Memory per actualitzar les fotos. Aviseu abans per estar com cal.

Molts petonents