Well, i hope you had a Merry Christmas... i sure did!
You don't believe me ??? Here's the proof :

It's been a while since i've updated the blog... but I suppose you'll understand...
I'm getting bigger everyday, and it's harder and harder to move around.
On the 2nd of January my mom and dad went to the doctor to see me... (the doctor puts some gelly on mom's tummy, and they can see me on a screen!).
The doctor said i weight 2,4 kg (which is about 5,3 pounds). That's perfect for my age :)
.. talking about my age.. today I'm about 36 weeks.. not long to go!
Oops! I've jumped from Christmas to the 2nd of January.. forgot to mention.. the NEW YEAR'S EVE! Lots of fun again.. with some of mom & dad's friends.. here's a picture:

... and since it's been quite a while since I've updated this.. a new entry is comming right up!