Monday, November 21, 2005


... is the color of my room!

So... last Saturday I got my room painted.. it was lots of fun for me, but quite some work for mom and dad...
Here go three pictures from the "event":

This is mom and dad.. painting.. my name ?!?

This is the beautiful view from my room.. isn't it lovely?

And here are Bogdan & Anca, mom & dad's friends.
They sure did help a lot! (Thanks guys!)

One more thing, tomorrow mom starts the birth preparation classes... I hope everything goes well.

That's it for now, be good!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Big News!

Oops! I forgot to tell you something which is VERY important!
After giving it A LOT of thought... my parents thought I should be named..


Yep! That's my name! I hope you'll like it.. I sure do!

Pictures ... Pictures ... Pictures ...

It's me again!

I just thought I'd share some of the pictures my pretty mamma took yesterday..
Without further delay, here we go:

Isn't she pretty?

Here, she's holding me...

Here we go again..

And that's me! Yes, it's really me!
Look, there's my head...
my hands... my feet..
(oops, I forgot you can't see what i
see from the inside!)

Next up, the pretty Lady, holding me again...

And last but not the least...
She looks so proud in this picture..
Well, she's got all the reasons to be proud!

Well... this will be it for now.. stay tuned for more...
I'm anxious to see you all very soon.. well.. not much left 'till february is it.. ?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Yep, that's right! I'm a very very cute little boy!

hi everyone,

welcome to my very first blog.
you might be wondering... how do i manage do maintain this blog?
well.. it's all about having the right "connections" :)

so, what's this anyway... ?
it's the place where you'll find all the latest news about me, and some photos every now and then..

first of all, i'm a boy. how do i know that ? well, although you might not see it very well, it's all in this picture on the right. see that little cross on the top side of the picture ? well, under it, you should see my ***** :)

considering you probably couldn't see too much in the first picture, here's a one of my hands:

this is it for now, stay tuned for more !