welcome to my very first blog.
you might be wondering... how do i manage do maintain this blog?
well.. it's all about having the right "connections" :)
so, what's this anyway... ?
it's the place where you'll find all the latest news about me, and some photos every now and then..

considering you probably couldn't see too much in the first picture, here's a one of my hands:

this is it for now, stay tuned for more !
1 comment:
Ciao Isaac,
ce bine vorbesti engleza.
Am fost duminica la tine cand ai venit pe lume. Esti cel mai dulce bebelus. Abia astept sa-mi trimit pozele. Domnul sa te binecuvinteze si sa o ajute pe mamica ta sa fe faca repede bine ca sa va puteti juca impreuna.
Un beso,
Sergio y Joana
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