I was born on the 5th of February 2006 (same day as my aunt Cornelia!).
After a bit more than 39 weeks, I finally got to see the *real* world.
I managed to get out of the Matrix quite quickly.
Mom & Dad got to the hospital at 6:00 am after a sleepless night, and it was exactly 12:55 pm when I cried for the first time!
Dad took some pictures of me, but I won't post those here, they're mine and mine alone :)
I'm a big boy! At birh the doctor said i weigh 3,630 kg (which is about 8 pounds)!
Well.. i'm already in my 2nd week of life, and things are getting better every day! We went to the doctor the other day and he told mom & dad not to worry, it's normal to loose some weight during the first week. So.. he weighted me and.. surprise surprise! I gained 150 g (a third of a pound)!
So... i really am a big boy now. I sleep a lot and also eat a lot (mom takes really good care of me!).
Now... i know that you all want to see pictures, so without further delay here we go:
(I'm not gonna comment on the pictures.. they're simply... ME! :)

Suntem Ana, Diana si Petrica si ne bucuram sa te vedem. Am asteptat mult acest moment. Aproape zilnic verificam "It'a a BOY", incepand din 5 februarie (de fapt din 7.02 cand am aflat). Iti dorim multa, multa sanatate, sa cresti mare si frumos si sa ne intalnim sanatosi.
te pupam!
Hola Laurii!!! Soy Lulu!! (¿Main Memory?)
Hazle saber a Isaac... que es PRECIOSO!! Se que no has recibido noticias de mi, pero eso no quiere decir que no me haya interesado. Se que todo fue muy bien y estoy segura que estás disfrutando un montón de tu bebé. Me alegro mucho, mucho. Uno de estos días, te llamo y quedamos ¿te parece?
Bueno guapa, un abrazo y besitos para los dos.
¡Hasta pronto!
Hola Isaaaaaac!!!!!!
t'acabo de conèixer a dia 27/02 a l'antiga feina del teu pare, ens "deixa" i ja no podrem ser els teus "tiets" però estarem en contacte!! ets guapíssim i llarguíssim!!
un petonàs als pares que han vingut a que sen's caigués la baba a tots!!!
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